Take Responsibility

On Friday I had a consulting call with Dumindu from Sri Lanka.

The conversation opened my eyes massively.

I’ve been blind to how lucky I am along with most of you who are reading this.

If you’re in a first world country and you’re not doing the shit you want to be doing you really have to start taking responsibility for your actions.

Start taking responsibility for the lack of your actions.

Start taking responsibility for everything in between that you should be controlling.

You have access to the entire worlds knowledge in your hand. Just a quick google search away.

and you choose to not use that to your advantage.

There are many things we can’t control in this world, the country you were born in, your parents or the past.

What you can control is your actions. What you do.

Whether you choose to spend your Saturday night playing video games with your mates or read a book about sales that might help you on your next sales call or at work.

“Yeah but Konrad that’s boring get a life you need some fun in life…”

I’ve wasted most of my life on un-necessary shit that just numbed my mind.

TikTok Scrolling.

Thousands of hours watching YouTube videos thinking I was learning something but really procrastinating

Over 5000 hours spent on Counter Strike - not including the thousands of hours watching Twitch streams of that…

Believe me from the age of 14-24 I’ve had my “fun”.

Most of it which I now regret.

90% of that was wasted time. Numbing my brain. Escaping lifes problems and staying in my comfortable bubble.

The other 10% are some of my greatest memories with my mates whilst playing video games.

Throughout that time I’ve never been happy with where I was at financially nor where my family was at.

I’m telling you all of this as I hope you can relate to this.

That you can change your life.

It is your job as an individual to take responsibility for the position YOU got yourself into.

If you’re unhappy with your current situation then CHANGE IT.

If you’re broke, fat or lazy.

YOU can always change it.

It takes persistence & consistency.

It takes mental toughness.

But most importantly it takes the guts to admit you’re to blame for your situation and begin to take action.

Chances are you might have a friend or a couple that you’ve tried to help before. Whether you’ve given them relationship advice, fitness advice, side hustle or business advice.

They just don’t seem to change though?


Because they don’t want to.

Because it’s comfortable staying the way they are.

Delaying gratification is one of the hardest things to do in life.

Why wait? For weeks, months, years… for what? You don’t even know if it will pay off…

You can only try and help someone so much and your efforts will go to waste if they don’t want to change themselves.

If you’re reading this, that means you have access to the internet.

And you’re more than likely at one point in life wanted a better life for yourself.

This means you have two choices:

A. Screen suck & do nothing and later regret it.

B. Take responsibility and action to make a change in your life.

Your choice.

All I want, is you to do better.

That’s why you joined this newsletter in the first place.

Whether you downloaded my 0-£5k guide or joined yourself.

At one point you decided to change.

So stick with it.


or to participate.