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How to sign clients for your Agency
& the psychology behind why people buy...
I’m a huge believer in the fact that if you do what others do, you’ll get what others get.
and in this email ill tell you exactly what that means and why you need to be doing what nobody else is.
I signed another client this past week and really reflected why he wanted to go ahead with my agency vs the 100s out there in the same space with “better offers”.
I believe it all came down to three points:
He got to know me, He liked me and He trusted me…
but how do you get a prospect to do all three before your sales call?
Something Google calls Zero moment of truth.
Where a customer educates themselves through research:
they need 7 hours of interaction
11 touch points
across 4 separate locations before they make a purchase.
The so called = 7-11-4 rule
Think of a potential customer, they might be hanging about on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, visit your website, maybe subscribe to your newsletter and so on…
So as I keep banging on about the key to getting this right in our world is a great content marketing strategy to implement across all channels.
People don’t necessarily buy for logical or even emotional reasons.
Sometimes they’ll feel positive about your product and they know it would help solve a problem but yet they don’t act.
People buy because the conditions are right and buying behaviour is stimulated by the buying environment.
The good news is you create that environment by tapping into their wants not NEEDS… and all of that is translated through your content because where else are they going to see your agency? Realistically you ain’t going to be sending leaflets are you🙄 it’ll all be done online…
Most agency owners don’t realise that the service they're offering is a commodity which is the exact reason why they're not signing clients or they’re jumping on calls with prospects that say ‘’well you’re a lot more expensive than the other agencies i’ve spoken to what makes you different?’’ Your positioning in the marketplace is completely wrong and the content strategy should fix this.
So here’s three things the client told me over the course of 2 phone call conversations that probably added to around 45 mins:
“You’re a smart guy you know what you’re talking about”
“That’s another reason why i wanted to go with you is because you have industry experience from both sides not only marketing”
“I’ve seen your posts popping up for a while now, I saved one a few months ago because i knew when the times right i’ll get in touch”
if you don’t believe me = I have a vlog out on my YouTube channel (https://youtu.be/dbRdFmNwxQM) that literally contains two of these from Monday’s conversation, the third came on the first call.
Let’s break down where those comments most likely came from - im not a psychic but I can hopefully make a decent assumption:
“You’re a smart guy you know what you’re talking about” - whilst explaining the sales process for a specific service that he’d offer - essentially coming across as an expert due to the knowledge and experience not only on the call but across my content which he mentioned he watched, so throughout the conversation I leaned towards my experience in the industry.
“That’s another reason why i wanted to go with you is because you have industry experience from both sides not only marketing” - mix of my content whether paid or organic focuses on the fact i have real industry experience, making it more relatable to a potential customer and making them trust me more - so if you have industry experience then speak about it because its relevant to what you’re doing (hopefully).
Please, if you don’t have the experience don’t lie, its obvious to see from anyones perspective, become an expert and focus on results (client wants) instead.
“I’ve seen your posts popping up for a while now, I saved one a few months ago because i knew when the times right i’ll get in touch” - self explanatory really, can’t dive into the exact posts saved but building up familiarity of my face + voice with prospects is what will make all the difference. Even when it feels like engagement, views or leads aren't there from the content, it’s all building up in the background very slowly.
Whether that’s your instagram reel, blog post, newsletter, YouTube video or whatever else…
Also, big advocate of putting yourself on content for many reasons, you get a confidence boost, you’re easily recognisable, nobody remembers company names but they’ll remember your face and how you made them feel.
Also, on that note, nobody reads them IG carousels full of info on how to get more clients or tips and tricks for your instagram page etc… unless i’ve just become numb to it but it just feels like posting that only attracts others doing the same shit liking and commenting for engagement🤷♂️
Hopefully this gave you an insight on how to sign agency clients and the psychology behind why people really buy from you.
If you’re new to the newsletter - I know a lot of you are… its built to challenge your way of thinking rather than spoon feed you information and how to X 🙂
As mentioned many times, Skool community for agency owners launching by the end of the month!
Stick around in here to keep updated!
Best of luck this week 👊🏼