Outwork Everyone

it works but at what cost?

I wanted to tell you something i’ve been thinking about a lot lately… just how much of a difference sheer work ethic makes.

I’ve been running my marketing agency full time since May 2024.. and let me tell you, the only reason I’ve made any progress is because I’ve outworked 90% of people in this space.

I’ve seen a lot of people start in this industry, heck even the same niche, and disappear within a month or two.

You see, the expectations we have when entering the online space are way below what the reality actually is to make progress and be successful in any competitive space.

I see all these gurus talking about “work smarter, not harder, automate this, use AI for that” but the reality is, in a competitive market, you need to do both and constantly evolve.

How do you expect to win after 2 or 3 weeks of doing some cold outreach on days you are ‘motivated’?

There’s a clip of Elon Musk talking about this: if you work 100-hour weeks, you’ll get a year’s worth of progress in four months.

It’s ridiculous, but it makes sense.

If you know that in 4 months time, you can make a whole year of progress, you start becoming addicted to working, whether or not that’s healthy i’ll leave that up to your own judgment.

Even if the quality of work diminishes after a certain point, you’re still making progress while others are taking time off.

Nobody is telling you to work for 12-14 hour days from the very moment you begin your entrepreneurial journey obviously it’s pretty stupid and not sustainable, but there’s always something more that you could do each day.

When you realise HOW MUCH time you actually waste, that could be used to grow your business, learn new skills or develop your mindset, you will then decide to work instead of scroll social media.

I’m talking 12-14 hour days, and while it’s intense, it’s what’s needed to stay ahead in this ever changing competitive space of entrepreneurship.

I’m not even talking agencies or online biz.

Look, I know distractions will creep in, routines will slip, and you’ll have off days, but as long as you keep pushing and put in more hours than the competition, you’ll come out on top.

It’s not just about working hard for the sake of it, but about putting in the hours that actually move the needle.

It’s why I use the power list and War Map combined to literally make it so easy to make progress and achieve what I want.

I’ve mentioned it so many times i get bored of it but if you want to use it DM me on IG i have a template you can use.

It took me 3 months after starting my agency to quit my full time job.

Even writing that, seems absolutely insane.

I remember how anxious i felt about the future when I wrote my notice into my work group chat (yes we weren’t that professional for me to print it out and hand it to someone lol).

But only when you reflect on the past you realise how much progress you’ve actually made.

That progress isn’t going to be made when you scroll tiktok or feed your mind bullshit youtube vids…

Just wanted to drop this on you in case you needed a little reminder.


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